Learning From Butterflies!!!

So here is a story which just strikes a chord in my heart!

                    The story of the butterfly

One day a small opening appeared.
He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours
as it struggled to squeeze its body through the tiny hole.
Then it stopped, as if it couldn't go further.

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly.
So the man decided to help the butterfly.
He took a pair of scissors and
snipped off the remaining bits of cocoon.
The butterfly emerged easily but
it had a swollen body and shriveled wings.
The man continued to watch it,
expecting that any minute the wings would enlarge
and expand enough to support the body,
Neither happened!
In fact the butterfly spent the rest of its life
crawling around.
It was never able to fly.
What the man in his kindness
and haste did not understand:
The restricting cocoon and the struggle
required by the butterfly to get through the opening
was a way of forcing the fluid from the body
into the wings so that it would be ready
for flight once that was achieved.
By cutting its cocoon the man deprived the butterfly
a struggle it needed to experience.

So if he hadn't done that the butterfly would have had to struggle on its own to come out of the cocoon. It would have been a little painful for it but it was absolutely essential for it to have that experience. And at the end a beautiful butterfly would have emerged.

So every painful experience teaches you something and makes you even more strong and beautiful.


  1. I remember reading this story quite a long time ago but thank you for posting this - I had forgotten all about it...It's such a nice way of delivering a small yet powerful message, don't you think?

    1. yup totally dear!!! this story is very close to my heart and it inspires me everytime...:)

  2. thanks alot Silvia....ur blog is Gud...gr8 style!!!

  3. Beautiful story!
    Do you want to follow each other?
    If so, follow me and I will follow you back for sure!


  4. Truly inspiring story..one of those v shud always remember..and apply in life.. :)


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